a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Monday, January 08, 2007

Out with the old and in with the new

There are going to be a lot of changes in the near future and I am going to be a lot busier than most. To begin with I'm taking a substantial load of five classes this term (including Info Gathering, and Grammar). So look forward to a hopefully more mature and grammatically correct writing style. In addition to that, I will be applying to the Australia study abroad program for this coming fall term. Not to mention over the break I became fired up about alternative energy and now wish to take it upon myself to become an expert in the field and a possible lobbyist, but mostly just knowledgeable enough to shove it down everyone’s throats and work towards a change. My only hope is that these won't be the fads of last month and that I'll keep up with my work and goals (and correspondence).
Until next time; i'll be researching and writing away.

A few of the renewable energy sources available.

This stuff is a good idea. I'm excited to learn a lot about it and to grasp the knowledge well enough to share it with everyone. The environment is important. Notice "the" not "our," because we don't own it, and thats half of the problem we have right now: stop acting like you own it.


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