a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Thursday, May 12, 2005

To Anonymous of May 8th

I've got to say, after reading it again, and not taking it as offense I must say I admire your honesty, and respect your opinion. I would certainly agree there is no reason for a girl to like me after some of this stuff I put in here. I'm sorry.
Honestly I'm not quite sure what to say. I've been a fool to mention all this, and to everyone who reads this, it's just not appropriate. I've singled out individuals and that can't be good. Ah! What an idiot! I've been stupid to write such personal feelings of mine towards people or about people, in such a public way. So to set the record straight, I'd like to apologize. I'm an ass, I didn't even realize it, and to Anonymous of May 8th, I'm sorry to have brushed you off and not taken the time to consider it. I'm sure more people felt the way you feel but just didn't say it.
So from thus far, this blog won't do that, it'll be more reflective on life, or unspecific feelings. I'm so sorry.

And thanks Jake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, I must admit that once again I am inspired by your honesty and impressed with your increasing maturity. Over the course of the past few months, you've continued to grow as a student, an individual, a human - I only hope you will continue on this journey of self-discovery. Your most recent blog may be unnecessarily critical (don't ever, even under the present circumstances, call yourself an ass), but nevertheless, it shines with a sense of clarity we so entertained by 'I am David' have yet to fully witness, let alone appreciate. I'm sure you will work out your inner turmoil sooner rather than later. Keep on bloggin'.

10:34 PM

Blogger Lovely said...

It appears that i missed something. You simply must feel me in! However, i disagree with you. No matter what you said, any girl would be lucky to have you, truly.

1:04 PM


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