a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Monday, May 02, 2005

The subject: Summer and thoughts

I won my match today. I played vs. Woodburn in a make-up non-league game and whooped them 6-1, 6-3. I probably could have won 6-0, 6-0 if I didn't give them so many points by not trying. But what does that matter? It really doesn't is the thing.
I'm really happy that I finally got to attend a girls Lacrosse match, unfortunately it was against Liberty, who isn't good at anything but lacrosse apparently, and they lost. I did witness the most entertaining thing I've seen a girl do in a long time. Hannah Wendell was in a clash with liberty girls who then recovered the ball, and Hannah plants her feet as one girl is coming her way, sticks out her stick, and trips her. IT WAS AWESOME! The girl fell down hard on the ground and I couldn't help but laugh, of course the ref's didn't see it and Hannah was off Scott-free. She's a wild girl that Hannah, she got a yellow card, then another, making a red card and kicking her out of that game and the next. Apparently she gets cards quite frequently; good work.
So then I head over to the Upton’s since I am but 100 yards from their house. When I get out of my car it doesn't look like anyone is home so I go investigate and sure enough, Juba is in her cage and they are gone. I can't let Juba out because I know I'd hate to be stuck in a cage, so I did. We played with her ball for a while then I looked at the grass. Jeff was supposed to cut it about two weeks ago, and had gotten as far as going around the perimeter once, making for a really funny looking lawn. I don't hesitate to pull out the mower and start mowing it for him. Unfortunately their mower sucks really hard and I could only get as far as going from one side to another, and back again, until I had to empty it and then clear out the bottom- it got clogged every time. This made for a lot more work than expected, but I started and I couldn't finish it. So after getting a good little cycle going I had it done in about an hour and a half, which including stopping every few cycles to play with Juba. I love that dog so much, and big dogs in general. I do love my dog a lot, but you can't let her outside without her running away, you can't lay with her without her moving, she's too small to play rough with, and she's a picky little biatch and only does what she wants. Juba on the other hand, and Arthur, Justin's strawberry golden retriever of whom I laid with at his party because he was so freaking soft and cuddly, you can play with. They both can be let outside without fear of running away, and they're big, which gives more to love. After mowing the lawn I left, before they got home which made it even better of a surprise.
This can't be exactly normal, I don't think most people would go and mow a lawn, or go help do dishes for 2 hours, or clean other people's houses for them, and then deny any rewarding payment, or spend it on them. What the heck is wrong with me? It goes along with my romantic outlook on life, and quite frankly, being a romantic isn't so great at all. Having a bit of that personality in me would be cool, but I'd say it's more over the top, not ridiculously so, but at sometimes it feels that way. Goo.
I hate not having the ability to do things when I want. Time is so tight with school, I can't wake up and say, I think I'll go for a walk, or go for a swim, or lie out in the sun and read. I can't do that with school and it just isn't okay, school is retarded and pointless so it shouldn't stand in my way. When June 10th rolls around and I don't have to waste 6 hours of my life in school everyday I'll be a happy man. I think I will go shopping one of these days since I don't think I've gone in about a year. I could use some new pants, swimming shorts, undershirts and the other necessities, and shoes. I probably will end up waiting it out until I leave for college and having a small shopping spree before I head off. I think I'm also not liking being able to feel independent, and I guess that goes with having the responsibilities of school. I want to come home, be left alone, maybe even feel alone, until I find something I want to do, most likely go over to a friends house and spend all day there.
How I long for cuddling. Too bad two boys yanked my hook-ups. I'm pretty happy with that repetition right there, its catchy, and true! Oh so true, there are hundreds of girls at school, yet the only two I ever look to for such things aren't even accessible. I guess when college comes around I'll have an opportunity to get rid of those needy feelings, at least with the two, and move on.
On girls topic, Megan and I are going to prom and that is going to excellent. I haven't had a chance to go out with her again since her grounding, but with this extravaganza coming up we'll have plenty of time to hang out. She's one cool girl.
I like when my mind wanders like this. It probably makes for much more interesting reading as well.
I love the smell of summer. When you wake up early and it's cool but the sun is coming out and you can go outside and drive somewhere and take a long walk. I think I'm going to do that more when summer comes, I'm tired of the neighborhoods I live around and want something new and exciting to look at when I walk, and after that bike ride of mine, I see now that it's perfectly attainable. Then you've got the lethargic feeling you get after you've just swan and begin to lay outside in the warm heat of the sun. Nigh slowly comes and with it the smells of barbeques and the early evening sports. I have these memories of playing catch with the football, or homerun contests, or some other sport in the early evening of summer nights with my brother and the warm air. It's warm enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt, but not overly hot like it was in the afternoon. After dinner you've got the extended sunlight and the still warm air, and then you can go on an evening bike ride. Perhaps meet up with a friend and sit on a roof and talk, and enjoy the evening. The stars seem so bright and amazing in the summer too. I love bringing out a blanket and music and gazing up at the stars and going into a deep thought, and even not thinking at all. It’s things like this that make summer so much better than any season. Being free is such a great feeling, I’d love to explore more this summer as well. Europe will be amazing, but there’s so much even in the near states that I could explore and enjoy. Mountain biking across the country sides, swimming and boating, everything. As I become more independent I think these sorts of excursions will become more frequent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually David, Hannah tripping that girl was not illegal. It would be called charging on the Liberty team and we would have gotten the ball if the refs did see, because obviously Hannah wasnt running into her, she was running into Hannah, therefore making it her foul not ours. And I have to agree, it was pretty sweet. That girl sailed!

12:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel famous seeing my name everywhere..woohoo! lets just say that whole master trip/play was just for you david! i have a bruise from it which i find pretty sweet! and i completely agree with your whole comment about the smell of summer, for me its always that smell of sunscreen lotion that i used when i was really little and everytime i smell it, i have like this overpowering of memomries and emotions, its weird how a certia smell can generate so much. Like i have certian things like shampoo, food, or whatever, and when i smell it, it reminds me of a certain event or person. its crazy! Thanks for coming to the game, you were an AMAZING fan!

6:28 PM


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