a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Today is official, everyone is irritable day

I think today was a day to be irritable, it seems like many people were. I know I was. I'm going to go ahead and blame it on the sickness that plagues me, and the fact it is Friday the thirteen, and that can never be good. It started out well enough, I got over 10 hours of sleep so I expected things to go smoothly. Then when I got to school I didn't feel so great, and people started to piss me off. I actually got on people's case; like carrot hands and the future "el presidente." It sucks that half of the class doesn't do any work, and feels they shouldn't have to.
English sucked as usual, I felt awful during that class. I didn't want to do anything and so I didn't. It was a waste of time. Then Jeff and I did more decoration work, came home and ate some delicious food, then did something else I can't remember. Then more of nothing, and then I had some spaghetti. What a delicious food that spaghetti. I always enjoy it.
After I had dinner I went to see a movie, and en route, I learned that some of the people couldn't join us, and Jeff, the man who got everyone to come, wasn't going to be in attendance. So I get there and I don't see anyone. So I think, "oh great! A movie by myself, how awesome am I" But when the movie starts some of the peeps show up so it wasn't too bad. The movie was good. Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, what an idea! I'd love to do space travel like that. Find out everything about life and how it works. Find some lucky lady to travel the galaxies with. Creative, creative! Well worth the 6.25, I think Cornelius pumped up the prices...
So afterwards I notice that once again I left my lights on during a movie. I swear I am one of the most forgetful people around. I've left clothes at tennis every practice I'm pretty sure, and I leave just about everything anywhere. Including my cell phone on the grass in a park near Justin’s house. So any who, I'm scared that I killed my car and I run to it, start it, and feel better then leave. However it is 9.20 and that’s just not okay. I can't go home, all I'd do is be bored, so I'm on hornecker and I feel like I should do something, and seeing as how I just saw some friends, might as well call them. So I did and we ended up going to Heidi's house and chilling there. It was pretty enjoyable. Neat crowd.


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