grrrr....don't make Fluffy mad!
Let me just say this; I HATE MATH. I don't get it anymore and that bugs the crap out of me. I used to be really good at it, super advanced and what not, but now, I am probably the stupidest kid in the class. Its crappy. I don't even know why i took Calc 2, what a dumb idea. To all of you who would be allowed to do so, don't take it, its the worst class ever. As Ms. Abel apparently told Katie, "There is more to life than math." So don't even bother with it.
Today was another, go home and do random acts of kindness, like clean the downstairs, empty the dishwasher, put all the dirty piled up dishes into the dishwasher, groom the dog, and clean the bathroom. I don't know what the deal is, but I've been doing that a lot lately. Then I went to this Mock Trial deal where I so kindly volunteered to be a witness. I learned some stuff about objections today. It was pretty cool, I think it'd be interesting to get into that sort of thing, but I'm not going to.
The rest of the night has been so so, just lounging. I'm ready for someone to ask em to do something after school so I can socialize. So, just tell me whats going on, and I'm probably down, lets do something rad. Also, this whole getting comments on every blog is pretty freaking sweet, so thank you all for commenting. You guys are awesome.
Well I'm very glad I can comment. It's lots of fun. And especially meaningful when you say you're probably the stupidest kid in math because have you ever looked to the right of you? Yes, that is correct, I sit there. And do you really think I can do math? Do you really think I get it? I'd say we are the same level of math stupidity. So just know you're not alone.
7:30 PM
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