a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Sunday, February 27, 2005

its Grainger, Alex Grainger

It appears Megan is the only one that loves me, so this one is for you Megan. Its a pretty weak dedication because today was not especially exciting, but for me it was a good day, and for that, its dedication worthy.
Today I spent most of the day in Court. It was out Mock Trial and I had to be there at 7 in the morning until about 3. It was quite a long time but I enjoyed it for the most part. Especially when I got to go. I played Alex Grainger, a student of Paradise Middle School who testifies against the plaintiff Andy Parker. I owned that biatch. Firstly on the direct we did great, we were in synch and I answered well, then Cross was my true shining moment. I played against the other team so much that one guy said, "Mr. Grainger, Can you just answer my question?" he got called for badgering the Witness. Then he tried to pin stuff on me that I technically wasn't aware of, so I said, "I don't recall" then they tried to impeach my statement and couldn't so I won. In the end, the Judge said our team had the best Witness's of that trial and especially thought I did well. I am pleased with that.
Then on the way to Anneliese's house I got hit by a dumb woman driving a van. She veered into my lane and luckily I swerved out of the way so she just barely tapped the back end of my car leaving no damages. When I got out of my car I was worried it'd leave a mark and I'd have to fill out all this paperwork and get her ID and stuff, but seeing as how I had no damage, and it was her fault, I told her I wouldn't do anything. I really really hope she has a broken car though, maybe like the front bumper falls off soon or something. She's a complete dumb ass for going into my lane right next to me. Stupid freaking idiot.
Then Anneliese and I went to Coffee which was enjoyable. We went to Daweson's Creek and walked around and talked in the really nice sunny day. Today was another one of those days when its just so refreshing to have a friend that you don't have feelings for. She's a great person and I'm glad we've got what we've got.
Then I went out to Dinner and a Movie with my family. We went to the lovely Red Robins and enjoyed fine food, then went to Evergreen and watched Constantine. I really really liked it. I thought it was super neat. I really like Comic Book to movies deal and this one was one of those really interesting Comics that made for a great storyline. I really liked the characters and the whole idea of what was going on, pretty freaking sweet. I don't know what your pick is as far as genre's but I liked it.
So then i got home around 9:30 and Scott and I hung out. That was probably the most fun two and a half hours I've had in a while. First we drove around and then walked the streets of Tannasbourne, then picked on some little kids for being out late by taunting them from the car with, "Isn't it past your Bedtime?" and such, then went to Warehouse music, then to Krispy Kreme and Wendy's where I experience my first KBKJ. A Krispy Kreme plain glazed donut on top of the patty of a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Wendy's, and funny enough it was good. The tastes separated and they were both really good. Then we went to his house and went on the roof and talked and looked at the sky, so romantic. Actually we planned out what we would do if I had a girlfriend and his was home. It was incredibly romantic and involved mucho cuddles and blankets on the roof, a home cooked dinner, a movie, and massages with oils. It would be super sweet.
I need to give up on the games being played and find someone else to fall for. Maybe I should just go for it with a few ladies just to try it. Only 3 months left, no real harm can be done. I ought to ask a girl out, and just go from there, maybe Scott and I could do that double date deal afterall. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I deserve better than what I'm getting in the ladies department, and I think it ought to come along now. Let Scott and I carry out of master plans.
Overall today was great, lots of things, no real boring moments, all busy hustle bustle. Have a great night.


Blogger Heather said...

You're such a funny guy. I think you did awesome in court. I know you are in search of the perfect girl, but don't worry you will find her. With your personality and your charms, it will be no time before you have found her. High School isn't really ideal for relationships, plus I think girls at our school are intimidated by guys like you. You are nice, good looking, and smart. I don't know why, but it's a little intimidating. Keep looking up David! You have plenty of friends by your side while you wait ;)

9:37 PM


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