a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Not too shabby for the first day of summer.

The first day. I'm pretty content with how my first day of summer went. Yesterday night was good too. I went out around 10:00 and went for a three mile run with my brother, and that was nice. I haven't run in a long time and it was great to get back into it.
Then today I woke up late for my lawn mowing service at my grandparent’s house, so I booked it over there and ended up killing a sprinkler head in the process. Then I went home, ate some grub, and then pimped out my Brother Jake's car. Man oh man is it sweet now. We've got an aero bed in that sucka, the walls are lined with sheets to block out light, candles, food, tons of blankets. Basically, where ever he is camping this week, he's living in comfort.
Back to yesterday for a bit, we went golfing at my Brother Josh's house, and that was a lot of fun, in fact, we're going back tomorrow.
Then after pimping the ride, I cleaned my car so now its basically spotless, and went on to playing video games until dinner, where I had some delicious Cherry and Lime Jell-O with real cherries in it, Probably the best food you'll ever have.
Then on to Jeremy's baseball game, where he performed at his average. Then to the Gym where we swam until the pool closed (fifteen minutes after we got there) then played Basketball. Swimming is so much harder than I ever remember it being.
Then I moved to Brent's and played Halo, harassed Justin, and watched fresh prince of bel air, man I love that show. I love will smith pretty much.


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