Boom boom zap
Today wasn't too bad of a day at all. The sun was out while I was out, so that made most of it fun. Scott and I went to this rock and bark dust place and picked out a few small boulder deals for our front lawn and that was pretty interesting. I'd never done anything like that before. Then we came home and didn't do much at all. In fact, I honestly can't remember what it was we did the entire time. I remember an incredibly intense game of Halo. He versus I in a battle royale style with Rockets.
I should have won, I had 29 kills, the score was to 25. Unfortunately, because of my quick reactions I shot him point blank, and with Rockets a little bit of an explosion occurs. I died. 6 times. So because of those, and Scott's lack of suicides, he won. It was so close though. It was so incredibly intense.
Then we decided to go see a Timbers game again. Unfortunately for us they weren't playing. Instead it was the Beavers, and luckily we went to Fred Meyers to get our tickets beforehand. That’s when we were told it was in fact a Beavers game and the Seattle game we anticipated going to was tomorrow, in Seattle. Oh well, we thought, we'll find something else to do. After all, we'd be planning to go see a movie and that didn't happen twice, now was the time. So Megan and Nicole, who had planned on going to the game with us, instead drove with us to Corn-town to see War of the Worlds.
Now lots of people have thoughts on this movie. The plot sucked, yada yada yada. Well, it's all true, but I didn't care. I didn't go into it to see an excellent dialogue or plot, I wanted to see amazing special effects and aliens and stuff. The plot worked out just fine for my enjoyment, I didn't have to think for the 2.5 hours I was there for, and that’s what I went to see a movie for. The movie was good I'd say. Sure things didn't make sense, but that’s fine. It's good, go see it. Also, it was so absolutely intense; it had me so wired through out the entire thing. It was just like super high anticipation and way intense. It was fun.
Oh I forgot to mention an important thing we did before we made it to the movie. I got a haircut. I can't remember how it came about, Megan threw in getting it done before the movie, Scott threw in shaving it, we all decided on a mow hawk for a few days, so now that’s where it is. I'll put pictures on myspace as soon as I take them, and then put them on here soon enough. It's not a very good look for me, but I couldn't get it to stick up, maybe once I get that it will be okay. Also Megan and Scott didn't cut it all the way even; Nicole chose not to cut any. She's a cool girl; she's going to Mexico on Saturday so everyone ought to be jealous. I know I am.
Nothing else happened tonight, except that I watched an excellent program on the human muscles and bones on Discovery channel. That was good, and also worth catching.
Things are just feeling so hard lately. I've been feeling worn out, mentally mostly. I just want to clear it all out, and go back to simple. Maybe an extended vacation would work out. I don't know what, my mind just feels full lately. Too many hard thoughts. My family has been asking a lot more of me than usual, and that’s getting to be hard too. My simple days are being filled with things I need to do, versus what I want to do. My eyes are tired of it too. As weird as it may seem, I keep working things out in there and seeing them, and it is straining, maybe that’s just my eyes now, after a long day and now looking at the computer screen, but I think I'm going to take a break tomorrow. Exercise a lot. I think I'll play some tennis to start, then go on a long ass bike ride, and then maybe some swimming, and relaxing in a hot tub of some sort, somewhere, then read. That’s sounds nice.
I think I've pinned it down to a feeling of inadequacy, or incompetence. I can't do anything I want to. That’s frustrating.
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