a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Yesterday my computer finked out, so I couldn't exactly do this, but to recap, so as not to miss a minute of my most, exceptional and exciting life, here it is:

I woke up fairly late in the day, my usual 11 o'clock or so, and had a lazy few hours spent on eating and getting ready. Then I began the long effort of deep cleaning my room. Deep cleaning meant vacuuming the corners of the room and around the moldings. Not to mention throwing away all the crap I've been collecting for the past year or so. I've decided that when I actually get to the beach for a large bonfire, I'll bring all four years worth of school work and whatnot, and burn it all, very symbolically as to rid myself of that chapter of life and begin anew next year. It looks nice now, not that it's a giant difference, its just less cluttered.

Then I did my best to save a frog. It was in my driveway, and when I got the word from my sister, she told me it had been there in the early morning when she was on her way out, but she figured it'd run away soon enough. Turns out it was hurt. It was bleeding from its mangled hands, or what would be hands if it were human. And I think an arm was broken because he kept it wrapped under his body. One eye was also different from the other. It looked at though the left eye had been popped because the right had a circular jelly-type thing on it, whereas the left didn't. And in front of that left eye it had a cm long gash, a big one for this little creature. I picked it up and took it inside to get it in a box full of water and vegetation to make a makeshift home. Then my grandma helped out and called the vet, pet smart, fish and wildlife, Oregon humane society, and a few other places to see what we could do. None knew, other than taking it back to the swamp by our house and letting it go on as it would in nature. A crappy deal for the frog, I hoped the doctors could fix it. So I took it back down to the wetlands, as near to the water as I could get without putting it in, for fear of it drowning; it didn't move the entire time, other than to open its mouth and breathe I guess. So it was alive, we knew that. I decided I'd check on it the next day, which happens to be today, and I did. When I went to the spot I had put it, I didn't see anything, nor anywhere near. This leads me to believe its okay; the optimistic view. Surely I could say a raccoon or some other animal came by and ate it, or moved it to their den, but I choose to believe it was okay, and after we looked after it, it moved around and will be back to normal in no time.

Throughout the day yesterday I had the strong urge to workout and/or wrestle. I don't know what triggered it, but I didn't do anything about it. Instead I said to myself I'd get out and do something today. Can you guess what happened?

I slept in this morning, to the same time, so I guess it’s not exactly sleeping in, just waking up late. It was 11 and I knew I should have woken up earlier. What could I do? I decided to start eating healthier and had a good solid breakfast instead of a weenie one like usual, or none at all. It's not that I eat poor food, I only divulge in sweets every so often these days, and after the campout I think I'm done for the next few months. But I just have bad eating habits. I don't eat square meals, and my snacks aren't healthy, they're granola bars and that sort of crap. I need to eat fruit and vegetables. And eat square meals. Then I work out.

Tonight I chopped wood. What a good feeling that was. At first I hated it, I couldn’t split any of it, and I felt über weak compared to Scott who would split it in a few chops. Then I got the hang of it, and used proper form and split it like a beast. And that’s where that tonight’s title came from. I'd pretty much yell at the wood when I got it. It felt so good to actually accomplish something. It was tiring, which I'm happy for. I haven't exhausted my muscle in forever, and they needed it I think. I wish I had trees that needed chopping or, neighbors that did. It's such a good workout, lots of heavy lifting and arm use, and its not hard tiring, it was actually sort of fun. So if you need your wood split and chopped down to firewood size, let me know, I'm game. This was at Hannah's, and tomorrow morning at 8, I WILL GET UP EARLY, we're going back to do other yard work. Mr. Wendell was such a smart guy, and he bought several houses around the area and rents them out. That’s what I'd like to do when I get the money, its such a solid investment. And it's something that you could have, spend a some good time making it really good, and then sit back, somewhat, have a good job going, and maintain the places and become rich. I'm going to do it to.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day; I'm going to get some rest.


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