a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Sunday, June 26, 2005


U of O isn't going to be UW; I have to remind myself of this. I've been thinking a lot, actually picturing but thinking is close enough, and I've been imagining what next year will be like. I've been seeing Scott and I in the dorm rooms, but I am only familiar with UW's dorms thanks to Jake, so I keep seeing those. And when I think we'll study at the library, I keep picturing the Bill Gates Library of UW. I need to stop doing this because I'm not going to UW next year with Scott, we're going to UO, and this kind of frightens me. Maybe I've been building up college as UW College, and in reality (the UO version) it could be way less cool, and not nearly as nice or comfortable. I can picture the days of Outdoor School where the cafeteria sucked, and the bunks were all worn and not appealing. I don't want that. I know it's a bit of a stretch, but I get that sort of, less than appealing feeling, when I think of unfamiliar places.

And situations. Not ODS, but whenever there is a new experience, an awkward, less than appealing image of the event pops up, and that’s what makes me shy away from such things. I like familiar things, but usually these new ones turn out.

Last night was good. Scott and I did a great job of hosting a small camp-out deal in his backyard. I'd say the company was pretty good, while it did have its conflicts. It's funny; you'd imagine when having such a small portion of people you could steer clear of such things. That part was too bad. But I can't deny I had fun. Because most all things like this section off, it wasn't unexpected for that to happen, but what was unexpected, was it didn't turn out to suck. I could spend time with each of the people, enjoying their company, then move to another and have a good time. How many could we have had you ask? Three, but that was max, it was usually two. And I don't honestly think that was to be rude to the others, just some people had interests in some things, and others didn't. The fire pit was nice. I liked it there. It's pretty amazing how hot the ambers/cinders, embers, whatever they are called were compared to the fire. When it had almost died out- the fire- I moved around some chunks of wood, and released big bunches of heat from the cinders and it was cool. I threw a dime in, lots of people threw lots of things into the fires, but I threw a dime, it got so hot that when I touched a stick to it, the stick caught on fire. Very cool.

It's just sort of unfortunate when people don't mind others, feelings/rules. It's happened more than just last night. Brent's gracious enough to open his apartment to us, yet a large portion of those involved don't respect his house. You can't do whatever you want, its someone else’s home, you should abide by their rules. But recently he's made actual rules. 3 of them, and don't break them, or I'm alright with helping him either kick you out, or kick your ass. I'm tired of that kind of thing. Like last night, as with most hangouts, there are the kids who try to be somewhat responsible, last night that was Scott and I. While others were being responsible, we had the house to look after, so we were more so. So when people don't respect that, its hard, and frustrating. I'd rather not have to nag others about not throwing certain things in fires, and it makes it even worse when people bitch about it. And the overall respect of others. It's rare, but some people just aren't respectful of other people, and then they get upset when you bring it up.

This leads me to....standing up for yourself or someone. It feels really nice. It feels a lot better than sitting around not voicing my disapprovement(not a word) of their put-downs. So, if you don't like what someone is saying, go ahead and tell them, you'll like yourself so much more for doing it. Just ask those who do. But be warned that others don't usually take kindly to it. And if someone voices it to you(opposite side), don't be a jerk, and if you can help it, don't say anything that others would feel the need to do that. That's best. But honestly, that didn't affect things too much, I still had a super great time.


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