a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Enough already

Today has its good points and bad points. Its good points: I went long boarding this afternoon and I enjoyed that. I went to the movies with a few kids from my dorm and their company was fun. The bad things were; boring classes, worst movie I've ever seen, and drunk kids all over the place.
The movie I saw tonight, "The History of Violence" was terrible. It was the most vulgar movie I've ever seen and shouldn't be rated at low. It was definitely NC-17, at least, maybe X. It had graphic sex scenes, graphic violence, and excessive language. No movie I have ever seen can compare. I actually feel a little sick to my stomach, maybe like throwing up. My brain also hurts, it feels cluttered and I need to clean that bad movie out. I can't even begin to put words to it. I miss the innocence of Hillsboro, at least my involvement in Hillsboro. I even sort of feel like crying, my body doesn't even know how to handle this, nor my mind for that matter. I looked around the Hall for Disney movies, hoping I could be caught up once again with innocence. It's not even really innocence I need; it's just a lack of violence. I've had too much today. On top of that movie Bud and Scott and I flipped through Big Boyz and they watched the accident videos. I can't handle all of this. I want to go back. I want to be comfortable, and rested.
Then there is the fact everyone around me is drunk. Not everyone, my friends from here aren't, but lots of the others are, and they're loud and acting stupid. So far their favorite phrase; "DUDE! I'm so drunk right now!" Why?! Boo.
I want to be back home, cuddled up watching a sweet movie, and falling asleep. That’s what I want.
But I'll take the good company. The car ride to and from the movie was fun. The people I rode with were fun and during the movie it was pretty funny being with them. The entire audience actually was pretty funny, everyone would just be like, "WTF! What is this?!" or "NO WAY!" And laugh at the crappy dialouge. I'm going to sleep, and try and sleep everything off. I'm taking it easy this weekend, maybe cleaning my room and studying. Like a good kid. I need that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've found that working out really helps to clear your mind here. I know mine is a jumble most of the time. Hopefully you can find something that helps, I know a crapped up mind happens a lot around here. And did you find any good Disney movies? I've been looking for some to watch too. I hope things get better for you, I mean you did help me and Megan do good on our history midterm.

3:07 PM


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