a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sigur Ros is playing in my headphones

I've been quite productive today, at least in retrospect I've done a lot. I guess doing a lot doesn't constitute as being productive, but whatever, it's the word I chose.

So what has happened today:
* 3 Classes
* A few games of Halo
* 2 meals and lots of snacks
* Soccer Match
* Talked to friends
* Longboarded
* Got to know kids from the Hall
* Made some CD's
* Browsed the internet
* Began eHarmony personality profile. Why you ask? for my own pleasure and the results to tell me who I am in a nutshell.

Wow, those are all really weak, but I'll tell you, it feels good thinking about them. I'd say today was a good day, made up of lots of different things. I'm going to get some sleep, but thats what happened today, and I felt pretty good about it. Today was good, and I feel good.


Blogger Caleb! said...

The new Sigur Ross album, Takk, is amazing. Everything else they've ever done? BOOOORING

11:42 PM


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