Sigur Ros is playing in my headphones
I've been quite productive today, at least in retrospect I've done a lot. I guess doing a lot doesn't constitute as being productive, but whatever, it's the word I chose.
So what has happened today:
* 3 Classes
* A few games of Halo
* 2 meals and lots of snacks
* Soccer Match
* Talked to friends
* Longboarded
* Got to know kids from the Hall
* Made some CD's
* Browsed the internet
* Began eHarmony personality profile. Why you ask? for my own pleasure and the results to tell me who I am in a nutshell.
Wow, those are all really weak, but I'll tell you, it feels good thinking about them. I'd say today was a good day, made up of lots of different things. I'm going to get some sleep, but thats what happened today, and I felt pretty good about it. Today was good, and I feel good.
The new Sigur Ross album, Takk, is amazing. Everything else they've ever done? BOOOORING
11:42 PM
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