a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

After all, you're my wonderwall

Today was not too shabby. The morning started out late, I got up less than thirty minutes before I had to be at school and that caused me to be a two minutes late to Math, which will lose me 5 extra credit points I believe. Darn! I need those too!
After Math I had StuCo, and didn't do a whole lot there except....burnt a hole in Luke's English paper. Becky had just finished microwaving her Cinabon's for Soph. senate, when I decided to put Lukes paper in it. I put it in for l5 seconds and Scott Heter told me it wouldn't ignite, I said it would. I won. It was rad, you should try it sometime. Then i gave it back to Luke, he wasn't extremely pleased but whatever, it was worth it. Then came English where none other than Mr. Muir was our substitute, so we did absolutely nothing.
Afterschool i came home and took a refresher nap, that was pretty nice, then I went to Goodwill to find myself a suit for Winter Formal. I did in fact find one, for $20! So eat that Mr. Formal and girls who have to buy dresses! I will be paying for dinner and I paid for the tickets, so I think its fair that I should pay less somewhere. Then I went to the Uptons to show them my sweet new buy, and Becky and I ended up hanging out for a bit. We talked more about our marriage- for all of you who are not clued in, we are getting married- and then I left.
I have been working on studying for AP Gov, as well as practicing my tap dance for tomorrow's practice. I'm going to ace the test and impress the rest. ha! that rhymes, but doesn't make sense, oh well. Now I am just blabbering so goodnight.
Also. First time ever shout out to Christine Hall, a good friend of mine and my date to Prom this year. You are very cool Christine, and thank you for making my night yesterday. Everyone else, keep the funk alive. Peace.


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