a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

And tonight, we'll dance like we're in love...

Thats right, tonight at about 7:45 or there about would have been the perfect night for such an activity. When the power went out I was excited. I was hoping for a NYC blackout type thing, one that lasted for an extremely long time. Unfortunately ours only lasted about 20 minutes. Yep, definitely wish that number would have been something like 36 hours. I would have thoroughly enjoyed that off time. I think if PGE was cool they would have decided they didn't feel like fixing it yet and decided to wait for a bit. That would have been nice. I think thats probably the most amount of stars I have ever been able to see. Without all the crappy street lights ruining the view and everything you could see sooo much, and seeing as how the moon wasn't out, it also didn't create any glare. Very good night for star gazing.
"Whoa, Amber is the color of your energy.." they played that song today in the StuCo room and I really enjoyed it. I had heard it before, but now especially. That reminds me, I would suggest if you have money buy stuff in Apple. I am sure about 25% of the school got an iPod for Christmas. Everyone is walking around with their 20's, busting it out. I will be buying one soon, but mine is going to be a 40 because I have that much music. Or at least my brother does, and so I will too.
Now I have just heard Juba's leg is broken. Thats very unfortunate, she's an older dog so its a bit more of a big deal. But latest word is everything is fine, and I am sure she will a okay after surgery.


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