Its that time again.....
The time to remember that we only have one measly day until break, and that day is not much of a day at all! YES! I am so excited for tomorrow, it means that I won't have to pay attention and learn because no teacher in their right mind would try to, its just not going to happen. Then I have a fantastic weekend until I leave for the best vacation I will have in a long time. Its going to be super nice weather, and super nice beach. Those two blend very well, not to mention all the ladies I am sure to meet.
Today was another uneventful day, I had Muir in Human Bio so I left and applied to UO, so thats out of the way, YES!. I played around with the Cross Country page in Yearbook, adding little bits with my name. I think any page I can get a hold of I am going to write my name, or something really small in a non-descript place kind of like a Wheres Waldo book, it will be fun. Then I had AP Gov, which dragged on and I drew pictures.
After school I went out to get flowers for Mrs. Koehler since it was her birthday tonight. Jeff is quite possibly the slowest person on the face of the earth, the entire ordeal of going out, getting money and flowers and the cards, and delivering them to her, seeing Anneliese and the family, then coming home took three or so hours. Way the freak too long. I could have been done in 45. Oh well. Then I went to the choir/band winter concert and was impressed. We have really talented kids at our school. I really wish I sang well and could do choir, thats one thing I want to do in my lifetime, get good at singing. I think it would make life more enjoyable and I could woo the ladies with the guitar and vocals mix. Tonight was good, I went hug-crazy and gave everyone hugs, good ones too, not the crappy kind. So if you didn't see me you missed out. Now I'm going to bed, Peace!
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