a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Procrastination screws you everytime

That right there, above this line is true. I waited, despite being told to get on top of it, way to long to apply to colleges. Waiting until 2 weeks before everything was due to start was a bad idea. Now with there only being 10 more days, I don't have much time to write three essays, finish a portfolio, and do any scholarships. I just now looked at some scholarships and they require essays, so I doubt i will be doing any of those. Meaning while I am perfectly qualified to receive copious amounts of money I screwed myself royally by not doing it in advance.
And its getting close for any applications for volunteer I am sure. I really need time to either stop, or go back about a year. Then I could fix all of this, get a better score on the SAT's, get into better schools, go somewhere exciting, but too late. The plus side is Scott is going to UO, and they will have massive amounts of study abroad things for architecture, so I should fair off quite well.
Also, I saw Juba today, its sad to see a dog like that. One is she old, and two her leg was all flimsy so she could really use it; she was definitely a sad dog.
Also, its Allison Wilcox's 19th birthday, so Happy Birthday to her.


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