a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Life will work out

I've come to an amazing realization, I don't need math. I should haven't taken cue from Katie earlier in the year and dropped it, but now I've realized how not worth it, it truly is. So this will give me free time to actually be productive; possibly go to the gym, run, walk the dog, do more homework, learn guitar, all of those things that I could be doing instead of school.
Cool experience for me today was at Plaid Pantry, the clerk guy asked me what I was listening to(I had my headphones in) and I told him Radiohead. He told me how much he loved them and how it's affected him, and so I told them about that for me too. It was neat to talk to someone I don't even know and feel fine, it's like Ryan and I were saying: Music is so universal it can relate to just about anyone and influence them. And so this guy from Plaid Pantry and I have had the same thoughts and all, and its pretty rad.
Life will work out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

david, you and i share a goal to become architects, and the thing is all the architcts i've talked to say that math isn't very important. we design the buildings, and piss off all the engineers who have to do the calculations to make it work out. You've already got a shit load of math under your belt, give yourself a break.

6:59 PM


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