a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I like that word. I also like not having school, which is what happened today due to third quarter ending. So for today Jeff and I went on the Job Hunt 2005, in which we created a list of 22 possible employers. Yes that number is large, but considering the rate of acceptance, it might not give us any results. So we drove for about four hours hunting these applications down and by the end of the day successfully completed 10. Not too shaby, seeing as how we had to fill it all out. We also took part in four or five on the spot initial interviews which went pretty well. Overall, I'd say it went very well and P.F. Chang's looks to be the number one bet thus far, we'll see. 12 more to go and hopefully at least one hiring.
Now moving onto tonight. I went to the gym with Megan and that was enjoyable. We chatted while we worked out vigorously, completing at least 40 billion miles in the process. I lost count of the laps we traveled after the first one, but believe me, 40 million is an accurate guess. Then I shimmied over to Glencoe to meet up with the Musical fools and go to Red Robins with them where I was certainly the top awesome-man in attendance. Now there were several men close behind, but none can surpass the DZ awe. That was good food, it would be a pain for Red Robins to deal with that everyweekend, so hooray Musical for only being two weeks.
Also in the news: a duck need we more proof of a waste of resources?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm... Hello? Did you not see that duck? I would take a bullet for that little sucker any day.

9:38 PM


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