a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Saturday, April 23, 2005

sorry this sucks

School today was a fantastic event, because it didn't exist. I slept in until 8:30 and then worked on Allison's gift and getting ready for the rest of my available time. My wrapping job was so professional it's amazing. The front at least, but that's all that matter anyways.
So off to school I went, or rather, off to the Convention Center. I spent all of the school day looking at ceramics, and beads, and weaving, and glass. Glass was by far my favorite. I loved how they could make these amazing looking things with all these super beautifully colored glass. Even the coasters they had were awesome. They also had Tanagrams made out of colorful neat glass and Weston and I played that. Most of the time was spent with Weston and I walking around making comments on people’s art then going to eat and watching the giant pendulum knock over these spikey things. If you've ever been to the convention center you know exactly what I am talking about.
Then I came back and played tennis which was pretty fun since it was so amazing outside. The weather was absolutely perfect minus the wind. That wind killed so many times.
I'm feeling awfully lethargic so this is going to be a pretty lame, and pretty straight forward post. For the evening I went to Allison's birthday party which was the epitome of all the parties I've been to and noticed cliques. This one had two, and they were ridiculous: Choir kids who sang and sang and sang, only songs they knew from select leaving many out. Then there was Dance Team girls who made fun of all the other dance team girls by mocking them. As you could guess though a handful, meaning Me, Scott, Elyse for a short time, and Kristi who only chose not to participate in either although she was capable of both, just watched. It was pretty lame because there wasn't much to do but Kristi and Scott kept it cool. But then everyone grouped back up and it was okay. Then we opened presents. It's funny because Scott and I and Jeff and Elyse were the only ones who knew what it was, Jessi had an idea but wasn't sure, yet when we got to the party everyone had heard about it. How does gossip spread so fast? and why? But when she opened the present it turned out so much better than we had guessed it would. We had bought her a black and pink lace boddess, matching panties, and knee-highs to go with it. Scott and I expected many jeers from the people around but it didn't happen like that. They all thought it was pretty funny actually, which is what we thought. Allison started playing Chopin from the sheet music Matt bought her and I enjoyed listening to that, she's pretty much amazing at it.
This post sounds like a third grader is writing it, and that’s because I'm really tired. But I'm not even done yet. It's pretty interesting to think that since I am not feeling like writing, and even when I do, I leave out tons of detail of the day. No one, not even I, will remember what happened because it's not written down.
The best part about tonight was the glow in the dark frisbee. We played for almost an hour at McKinney with this awesome little glow in the dark frisbee that Jeff had brought. Taylor is an extremely funny guy and really fun to listen to talk. Scott and I wrestled and both got ridiculously dirty from the freshly mowed grass. Now my white shirt will forever be stained green.
I'm out, sorry it sucked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well David, I'm sure you could create your own clique of whiny people. Yes, cliques exist....naturally. And, what a surprise that the interests that pertain to the host of the party usually reflect in the people she chooses to invite. Not only do people with similar interests congregate and participate in said hobbies, but they like it. I am sure the choir folk had to intentions of demeaning you for not being in choir. Choir folks LIKE to sing (whoa....surpirse, right?) and do so because it makes them feel good. Not only did they sing Concert Choir songs as well as Select songs, but singing is in NO way destructive. It is even advised in the the bible. I am sorry you felt left out by the hobbies of others-but I am sure you would find the same practices at a gathering of people on the Baseball Team-they would talk about baseball. Anyway.....David Zavertenik, get over yourself.

8:01 PM


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