a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I lost a sock tonight

Today hasn't been too shabby at all. It started out better than before because when I went to get my passport, it all went smoothly and I actually got the application in. So in about 6 weeks I'll have this lovely little book with all of my information in it for all the official types to check out. And when I get over to Deutschland I'll be using that puppy. My goodness I pretty much get more and more excited by the day. It's going to be an absolutely fantastic time and I can't wait to get there and hang out with Scott, check out the sites, clubs, woman, bars, and the like.
I get a very good feeling from having a clean house, and by cleaning it I get this feeling, so obviously I do it, and today was one of those days, I even ventured into the garage and tidied that up a bit. That and watching TV took up most of my afternoon.
Then tonight I went with Scott and Megan to go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Let me tell you, that movie a damn good movie. First of all, I'll admit brad Pitt is a very good looking man and I'd be alright looking like him. Not to mention the fact he had ridiculously nice clothes in that movie. He always had an overcoat for his suit jackets, and his suits were ridiculously nice as was their house. My goodness there house was amazing, and I actually thought Angelina Jolie was attractive in this one, normally I can't say I'm a fan. Pretty much, if I could live in that movie I would. I'd be John Smith and have an amazing life with tons of money and tons of awesome things because obviously material possessions are the only thing of importance in life.
I lost a sock tonight, I hope I find it.
I also bought a pie with Megan and Scott and it was good. It was strawberry covered in chocolate and whipped cream, and we bought it from Marie calendars. That ish is good.
Then I ran into Elyse and Vanessa, and it made me really want to go camping next weekend. Before I was pretty apprehensive, but my whole mood changed tonight, it was enjoyable. And now I'm off to bed, goodnight to you all. It was an amazing night for star gazing too. That moon was freaking huge.


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