a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Monday, October 31, 2005

The Wonderful Weekend

I went home this past weekend, the second time I've been back, and I had a really great time. I didn't get in to Hillsboro until around 6:30 Friday night, which was unfortunate, I'd like to have come home Thursday night with Scott and had a whole day more. But I went with it; we stopped by the Upton's house to drop Kate off and all of their stuff, but as it turned out they stayed there so I got a ride back home with B-dizzle grizzle. I unpacked my electronics and toothbrush, made the rounds, talking on the events of the past few weeks with Megan and Johnny Z then headed back over to the Upton's house after a quick dinner. It sounds bad, oh I left my family, and it might be considered so, but even so, it's nice to see the family's faces. The relationships we've formed have changed since I left, for the better; Megan and I are much closer than we ever were and I'm really pleased with that. I think my parent’s relationship has been maturing since the summer, especially with my dad. It's just nice to see them, it sort of feels like I'm an adult, which I suppose I technically am, but one who has his own place and just comes home for the occasional visit, to stay close and see the people he loves, basically like my brother Josh's situation.

I actually stopped by my grandparent’s house to see the reason for me return, my cousin Carter and his girlfriend Kym, but they weren't back from the airport yet. So I spent the rest of the evening over at the Upton's house, which is always nice. I believe that was the night little Annie decided to chew threw my Converse's shoelace. It's fantastic how comfortable that house is for me, two years in the making, and it feels like a second home. It actually felt like it after a few months, maybe several months, but definitely before the end of year one.

It's pouring down rain right now, and I love it. I despise crappy piddle rain, the light drizzle that soaks you to the bone but isn't enough to have fun in. With this rain I feel like going outside and running around the track as fast as I can until I collapse onto the grass and just lay there, letting the cold and the rain engulf my body. I'd lay there until I couldn't feel my body anymore then drag myself up and over to my dorm and take a long shower. A long warm shower.

But anyways, Saturday was next, I woke up somewhat late for breakfast at my grandparent’s house with the family, but I made it over there before everyone finished eating and ate with them. It was nice to see them, I can't even remember the last time I saw Carter, and Kym is really nice. We went over to Forest Grove for JJ's football game but what crap that turned out to be. The fields were completely drenched and with all the kids using them, they'd become mudpools, and the traffic from the parents and viewers made the sidelines equally muddy. Thing is, I had my converse on, which reminds me that Annie had yet to chew my shoelaces, and my nice jeans on, since I only brought two changes of clothes and didn't anticipate mudpools. Anyway, I didn't want to get dirty, I didn't wear dirty clothes, so I did my best to keep everything clean, I stayed on the track, a good fifteen feet from the field, and away from the mud. But I got tired of not being able to see and standing, so I went and sat in my grandparent’s chair, and it was all great. My shoes were relatively clean, and I had a good view. Then came the action; freaking kids and their football. The opposing team maneuvered a running play that went right by us, but Jeremy's team stopped them. Right in front of me. I was worried they'd run into the sidelines and get their muddy uniforms all over my clothes, luckily they fell down, but while falling down this stupid kid sprays a chunk of mud and I watch it as it flies across the gap and lands right on my shoe. I can't say I enjoyed that one bit, I don't mind mud, or getting dirty, when I have the right clothes on for it, not my nice shoes and pants. "Well it's your fault," some would say, but it wasn't, I didn't anticipate a mudpool, I figured I’d have safe clean cover. I got over it though, as I do with all things in life that are disappointing. And so after that I went over to the pharmacy for some lunch and to see Becky in action. That was pretty interesting, I don't know if it's a common occurrence for people to do it, but I felt like I was occupying her time, and keeping her from doing what she was. And when she came to the counter and talked, even though the "regulars" would talk all the time to the girls, it felt sort of strange bringing stuff up. Anyway, I enjoyed my time there, it was nice to see what she does, not like it's something I wouldn't be able to see by going in other times, but it was nice. She's pretty established already, if two months is already. Then I went over to Paulina’s house, and that was a lot of fun. I’m disappointed I didn’t get to know her earlier. She was going to be Edward Scissor hands for her family’s party so we worked on dying her jacket black, and while we waited for that process to happen, we talked, she played piano and I listened, and we set up for the party. I had imagined only staying a bit since her party was getting started, but after 2 hours or something it seemed too short, which is a good thing. But I enjoyed that, and afterwards I went over to my grandparent’s house for a big family dinner. And it was huge, 13 or so people. That was so much fun; Becky came over, and did well with my family. We realized the Zavertnik’s like to joke and tease a lot more than other families I know of, which can be really fun, and I love my family. I like kids a lot too, I was playing with my brothers, girlfriend’s daughter Alexandra and my cousin Jeremy and I have a blast. That was a good time, and then we went over to her grandparent’s house for a similar shindig. She has a rad extended family too; they are all so nice, and funny! Much different for sure, but way cool. Then we went to her house, and during the course of the next couple of hours I removed my glasses and left them in the study, only to later drive home, sleep and wake up realizing I didn’t have them. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I drove home, talked to the family, and did all my ish without being able to see clearly. And that was Saturday.

Then Sunday was amazing. I woke up just before her Church started and got over there in time to hear her sing, and listen to the president of Princeton something something give a sermon. I can’t really tell you much of what he was talking about, but he did have a really comforting voice, it was soft, and had an English accent. Then, I got my glasses, and it was refreshing to be able to see clearly, it’s also interesting on how alright I can see without them. The little bit of difference between fuzzy and clarity is so fine, but a big one. Then the same family as that of Saturday night’s dinner went out to eat at Canyon something in Beaverton. That was a lot of fun again and I got a sweater out of it too. Josh accidentally shrunk his sweet ace, really nice, Banana Republic sweater and the once large sweater now encompasses my small/medium frame in a very warm, very attractive bundle. Then, after grocery shopping with the family, another adult-feeling activity, like I was doing it for myself, I headed over and had Becky-time. Let me tell you, this weekend was the perfect combination of friends and family. I honestly can’t stop smiling. It was good. We went out to Padgett Road after making a few stops, and just hung out there in the cold, foggy evening and gazed at the distant hills. It was so pretty, I’m not even kidding, somehow without a sun a source of light shown through the fog and clouds and gave enough light for an amazing view. The large hills far in the distance disappeared as the fog consumed them and the occasional bare gnarled tree. It was gorgeous, and we talked and, of course, had good music playing; Coldplay then Death Cab. That could easily be classified as the best time I’ve had period.

Then I came back to this, good ole’ Eugene, Oregon. I can’t begin to say how much this weekend meant to me. It was calming and comforting and reassuring and satisfying, and everything; just the relationship with family being so good, the relationship with friends being so good, everything working out as perfect as it could. I’m so content, well, I could have stayed longer, or forever. That’d be ultimate.


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