a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Friday, November 19, 2004


Today was a good day despite the fact i got my quarter grades back and I have two C's. But keep in mind they are very high C's. To the point they ought to be considered B's but the teachers choose to keep me down. In math I got the problems I did by myself all wrong. I freaking suck at that class now. I don't know what the deal is, I never tried so it can't be that. In English I gave a speech about morality and how my conscience holds me back from stealing and such. I thought I did well, until Powell told me he thought I was going to be over way early on and thought I should have ended it when he thought. He made some comments about other peoples speech's who referred to him and said that all they needed to do was quote him. He is full of himself.
After school was the big show, I made a sweet ace poster for Winter Formal, it has three lightning bolts in gold spray paint. Then I went over to the Uptons and "worked" on math homework. It actually turned out being sitting by the fire with becky and hanging out. That was enjoyable. After that I went to Glencoe's own fall play, The Curious Savage and let me tell you! It was really good! I liked it a lot. We've got super good actors here, I enjoyed it even more than Forest Groves. Way to go our school! Taylor was really funny in it. He played a pretty quiet statistician who now plays the violin. He has a few witty remarks and swings his bow around while saying them; like "FIGHT THE NIGHT!" pretty good stuff, you'd have to see it to know what i am talking about. Tomorrow is work, and with that comes one step closer to being unemployed, which I want. I am done with AGA it has served me well, but its time to move elsewhere, like GI JOES! I applied there, who knows if i will get hired, most likely not, oh well. Good night!-


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