a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Monday, January 17, 2005

A champagne supernova in the sky

Today was the most uneventful day so far. If I have said this before, its okay, because this takes the cake. I haven't done anything! I sat in my room most of the day, just kind of lounging, tidying up a bit, listening to music, but honestly, I didn't do anything productive.
Come 6 or 7 I felt really bad about this sluggishness, so I read a book- "Death of a Salesmen." I really enjoyed it. Its kind of sad because its all about this family who has lived their entire lives working up to fantasies that are not plausible. Its really quite sad because these characters will never be happy because they won't ever get where they say they can. Its a pretty easy read and isn't terribly long, like 120 pages or something, I'd recommend it.
I also left most of my homework at school which will make it extremely difficult to get that done. I think I am going to go see "Hotel Rwanda" soon. It looks really really good, and its something I'd thought about a while back; the genocide there that is. In 100 days over 1 million people were killed. I actually started thinking about it when the Tsunami hit because that is 55K people dead, which is huge and incredibly tragic don't get me wrong, but look at this Rwanda incident. It gains hardly any news coverage and its even more people. I know there is more of this stuff going on now, its not over, so why isn't it publicized? Its kind of annoying how much power the media has over things and how they affect what people choose to care about and such.
I am going to bring lots of change for the Tsunami victims though. I was thinking about that today as well. I have a large sum of cash on hand, something like 70 bucks. I look at it and say, "I don't want to get rid of that" but how crappy is that?! I am too tight to give away 70 bones to people who dont have anything. Look at me, I have a feaking house, a computer, a tv, video games, clothes, family, and so much opportunity, lots of these people don't have it anymore, so I am going to bring that money and donate it, along with the change I have. I don't think it would be possible to not anymore. I've thought about it, I know that by me keeping it so I can get a pair of jeans or put it towards an iPod, means that some others who are far more needy aren't getting it, and that just makes me selfish. Anyone who reads this and is able to, think about it. That spare change in your wallet can be replaced with work, etc, the Tsunami victims need it now, and they don't have the opportunity we have to make it.


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