a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Its late

Its now officially 1:36. Quite late to be staying up when you have to be to school at 8:30, but I am not tired and I don't want to sleep, so I'm not yet. Today was alright. I still really hate Gary Powell. He is an awful teacher and I want to punch him in the face.
I am having second thoughts about take a full load next semester. Maybe I should focus on a job and make money so I can buy stuff. I kind of want to have it though because I really enjoy the idea of taking Adv Art and Photography. We'll see how it plays out.
Sitting here not being able to leave the house makes me want next year to come even faster than it is. When I am at college I can do what i want when I care to do it. This will be good because it will allow me to figure out what works best. I also want the opportunities Jake is getting. I just got an email from him in New Zealand and he has done all this ridiculously rad stuff and I am sitting here doing crap.
Also, today I noticed I am tired of looking at a lot of people from school. Lots of the girls are fake, and I have been slammed with so much information about how people go through life its upsetting. I don't like hearing about all the people I know who smoke pot all the time and who drink and have wild parties. And who live crazy lifestyles that I don't understand. I've certainly led a pretty sheltered life up until this year. I've found out so much about the kids at Glencoe and kids my age everywhere. Its disheartening.
I'm going to enjoy this four day weekend coming up. Its going to give me time to do stuff I want without thinking of anything else that's bothersome. I'm going to utilize the time and get a bunch of things accomplished. It will be a good time.


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