I'll move surreptitiously...
Today was an incredibly passive day, most all of school was spent with me doing little to nothing but actually staying to the end. I didn't leave during classes, or take extended breaks, which was odd. I just kind of moved through things in a slow, but steady fashion.
I officially suck ass at tennis. I've lost my past three challenge matches to people I am better than. Funny how that works. I know I can beat them, I've got skill, I just don't use it. I move slowly, or hardly at all, take extended strokes and just kind of play passively. That's part of the problem. I can't get passionate to try. If I tried I'd kick everyone's ass, or at least be high up there. But i don't, so I'm not. I really need to find a way to get motivated because I get upset when I don't beat these guys, but they've tried a lot harder to win so they deserve it.
Tonight was alright, I studied math, and got most all of my answers wrong. Thats always fantastic. Luckily I had some people there to correct me and now after correcting them all I've gotten the right answers. Math is so hard right now and I don't understand it. I haven't understood it in so long and the thing is, its pointless, I'll never use this again, so is it worth taking? I don't know, I sort of doubt it. It'll count as college credit, hopefully, but I don't know if I'll be able to pass the test. I've honestly forgotten about all there is to know.
Megan and I were talking about cheating and stuff, and being a push over and being walked all over, and it further strengthens my point that I allow myself to be walked on by people. I let people do stuff that hurts me, and don't mention it. I'm going to grow up to be the guy at the office who everyone can shove their work onto. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. I'm incredibly easy to be swayed and so people to work me like a puppet. It's not great. I can't be firm, but I really need to be. It's not good to be a pushover, and getting walked on just builds up inside and one day here I'll explode if someone goes too far. I can't just say my being a nice guy makes me this way, I could be a nice guy and be firm, I think.
I'm going to get interviewed for this puppy. It appears newspaper is doing something on web blogs, and they want to interview me. Thats pretty cool, I'm not going to give my address out, only you select few will be able to read it. Who even knows how it will work, but its kind of neat they know I have one.
Some things are overplayed. I'd say I'm officially sick of hearing the word "rock" as an adjective. It played its course, and can still be used in instances like, "that will rock" but when it's used otherwise I'll cringe. It peaked a while back and now I feel it ought to die out. It's just used too often, I think. Also, Napoleon Dynamite, funny movie, but I'm actually tired of people quoting it. For the first month or two afterwards its chill, and even a bit after it came out on video, but that too has lost importance to me. I'm ready to leave that in the past. I don't know why I feel like that, but I do. Also, lots of people are going head over heels for this new Jack Johnson CD. I've never gotten onto that bandwagon, the Jack Johnson one. I grew tired of hearing his songs quite a bit ago. Sure he's talented, but I just have never latched onto it the way people have at School. Damien Rice though, I love that guy, but with the advice given and my own realization i haven't listened to it for two days. Instead it's been Kanye West, the one rapper I enjoy hearing. I've got his CD and I really like it. It's really funny and fun to bump to. Of course it swears but swearing has lost its shock to me. People can swear all they want. Its not bad, its just a choice. I respect people's wanting to not hear it, and thats alright, and it's also alright for people who choose to do it. They are just words, adjectives. They help bring importance into a sentence, show anger, joy, sorrow, just about it all. I'd say its more appropriate for a negative connotation, but I guess it works for positive ones as well. Anywho, I'm not quite tired so I'm just going to lay in my bed and hope I fall asleep. Its late.
Oh don't go giving people permission to cuss too much. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against cussing, I just know that it gets kind of annoying when every other word is a cuss word. Case in point my brother. Only use them when you mean it. Not because you think it's cool. Otherwise it's just plain retarded.
PS: Math is retarded. That test was the spawn of Satan.
4:44 PM
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