Maybe he'll be president....
If you wake up in the morning and it's sunny how can you not want to be outside? The question is you can't, so the matter is what you end up doing in the lovely weather. Do you play a game? Walk the dog? or go for a run? I seriously considered walking my dog, but I figured it take much too long and I wouldn't get anywhere, plus, with school in progress I can't go and run her there; dogs aren't allowed. So yes, I went for a run. A 25 minute run, where I ran about 3 miles and then sprinted an entire lap at school just to exhaust myself. It was pretty awesome, and when i got home I did some weak stretching and then hopped into the shower. A cold shower, I usually wouldn't step foot into the temperature shower I did, but it felt super refreshing and then I went to school.
Whereupon, I played the enforcer. I told the kids of student council we'd be having a cleaning contest, winner gets a candy bar. It's really funny how much people worked for that little bar. Everyone hustled to clean their cubbies up and made the room look much nicer and way less messy. We'll have to see if it stays.
All the while I am here at school the sun decides it rather enjoys being out above the suburbs of Hillsboro, Oregon and chooses to stay while the kids of Glencoe High School itch to go out and enjoy it's glorious smiling rays. It can see David through a second story window, looking incredibly bored as he listens to the conceited sound of the Powell.
I don't think he's worthy of being called Powellasaurus. Dinosaurs are way too cool for him. Way too cool.
I went home after buying my tickets to prom, to further my prom evenings plans. Scott Heter and I called and have thus far reserved our limousine, restaurant, and tuxes(we did that earlier of course). Now we'll just let our money tree's grow nice and large leading up to the evening.
Jeff and I then went to apply to a berrypicking place. I don't want to work there now. After seeing it and realizing the work involved for such a crappy amount I don't want to work there so I really need to find a place. On the way home we decided we'd go for something way cooler and applied to Forest Hills Golf Course. A job at a golfing range would be way cool. When I got home it was 4:15, meaning I was late to tennis practice, so I hustled over to Glencoe and what?! Why are the freaking girls on my court? Oh shit! It's at Evergreen, so I run up and ask my favorite girls to give me a ride.
She think it's so easy to say no to me. I could ask anything of her and she wouldn't have a hard time saying no. I bet even if i said, "you wanna help me save this poor starving kid by feeding him and getting him out of a fire?" she'd just say, "sorry, I've got homework, but I'll call you." Man, I need to write these things down in a play format.
So no, she doesn't give me a ride. But do I go home and drive? Hell no, I'm already a twentieth of the way there, so I run. Thats right, after running in the morning I run again, mid afternoon when it's ridiculously hot, and I'm late, so I'm running at a much faster pace. I get there and am basically pooped, but I play and get tooled. My arms are heavy and I don't want to be there. I'd rather be up in my room, in front of the window with the sun glaring in making a bright warm spot on my comforter dozing off. I stay for an hour then take the trek home. All in all I went like 5 miles today? Thats a lot of traveling by foot. And that doesn't count the school walking, nor the mowing I did later in the evening. The mowing would actually be a lot, walking along 400 or 500 square feet of lawn. Probably more.
Later this evening I was faced with he dilemma of wanting something sweet, but knowing it'd be better for me if I didn't. I weighed the sides wondering if it'd hurt if I ate sweets, and telling myself i shouldn't, it wouldn't be fulfilling getting out and exercising to put the calories back in.
I went to my grandparents house down the street and ate a push-pop and a few licorice. I'm a freaking weakling. I could have had peanut butter toast, or fruit! Fruit is incredible, why couldn't I have had fruit?
This day has had many events, to extend the list I'll add my movie watching experience. I had rented I heart the Huckabee's a few days ago but never had the chance to watch it. So I finally did. It was surprising, the comments on the box said it was hilarious, I didn't think it was hilarious, just really interesting. It certainly had lots of funny parts, but not hilarious. Jude Law is awesome, I really like that guy, and Mark Walburg is cool too. Of course there is Jason Schwartzman. He is a very interesting guy, I think he ought to cut his hair. He can grow mad hair, but shouldn't put it all on his head. He'd look way cooler with a buzz cut. It was a good movie and worth watching. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for most of it and kind of goes through tons of things. Good.
Now I'm craving peppermint. I'm pretty much addicted to sweets. That's unfortunate for someone who never wants to get fat.
Mr. Powell's so lame he doesn't even deserve a nickname at all. Maybe... oh I don't know I hate him!
11:24 PM
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