a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today in the world

[not actually today, but I'm jealous] UK Robbers stole over 53 million pounds (around $93 million)

Bird flu is spreading all around the world: newly in Niger, Gujarat and others

More people want to make Nuclear Bombs

People in New South Wales, Australia are smart and are considering banning smoking in a new place; cars.

and finally

Everyone still likes puppies

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Behind Lillis

Scott "Howitzer" Heter

Ye Shall Know The Truth

Saturday, February 25, 2006

New Idea

Since I don't write in this as frequently as I wish due mostly to lack of motivation to write anything neat, or lack of neat things to write about, I'm just going to start posting pictures. So:

I recently made a purchase, now I can cruise up and down the streets.

One of my favorite pictures while being on the Willamette river.

What a real-life hand would look like if it were a cartoon.

Long time exposure of a moving match in black and white.