a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Handsome Dave

I don't like Nicknames, except for maybe a handful, like P-Willy, and Handsome Rob, bit other than that, I don't really care for them. Especially self-pronounced names, those are the worst.

Life has been exceptionally great as of late though. I can't really complain, unless you call saying I dislike some nicknames complaining. I've been around, to Eugene and Seattle in the past few weeks, I'm going to Germany in two days, I've hung out with a few friends and have had a good time.

Eugene was a lot of fun, it made me start to feel more comfortable with the decision I've made as far as going to college there. Before, and now really, I didn't know why I chose it, but at least now I'm feeling more confident that it will turn out well and life will be good. Good company. I watched Requiem for a dream down there, and it must have been the mood I was in, maybe extremely exhausted, but I liked it.

Seattle was a blast, went to wild waves the first day and rode basically every ride they had. They had this killer waterslide that was seriously something like a 90.001° drop, as close as they could get without making you fall; it was amazing. Then Thursday night I went camping on Columbia river, very close to the gorge. Thursday night was a good time; I caught the beginning of the meteor shower. But Friday morning I woke up nauseas and threw up several times. After eating and drinking water I felt a bit better, but it lasted most all of the day. Other than that couldn't complain much there.

Came home, spent the better part of the past week at the Uptons. They got a new puppy, that’s neat. They are some good people them Uptons.

Last night I went and golfed with my brother Josh, completing the seeing the entire family before I leave for Germany deal. The golf was fun, we didn't even count our score or try for that matter, I was talking through it all, even my swing. It was really nice to see him again, and I also saw a family of deer, a beaver, ducks, and squirrels on the course. McMinnville is a pretty nice little place; at least there golf club there.

I went Frisbee golfing with Scott, Matt, and Hannah today and that was really fun too. It was nice outside and the company was great. Then tonight was a visit to the Bertelsons after dinner with the Padre and Italian Job; it was a good movie, I'd suggest you see it.

Have you seen the moon this past week?! It's been amazing, I absolutely love it. Life is good, it's going really well, and I'm liking that fact. No more sulking about lost loves or worrying about life in general, just taking it as it comes. Going to get on a plane, well, tomorrow afternoon and leave for entirely different country for a few weeks, how fortunate is that. Yep 36 more hours, and some change, and DAVID ZAVERTNIK and SCOTT HETER will be leaving for the PDX airport for their 4:40 flight to Vancouver, Canada, where we will have a 2 hour layover until our flight to London, which will then give us another hour forty minutes of layover time until we head off for Munich and arrive there the next day. Then we have three and half wonderful weeks in Germany until we head back.

I'll check my email every once and a while to check in on the family, but other than that I'll pretty much be out of touch with everyone. I'll be taking tons of photos, and eventually I may post them, but who knows.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The alternative me

Today, while putting on some temporary tattoos I began to think of really getting some. I put on five in various locations I believed would look neat; one on the back of my neck, one on my arm, another near my left hip flexor area, yet another on the lower part of my back, and the final on my foot. All but the lower back one seem cool to me. Most of all is the arm, then second hip flexor, and third back of the neck. If I found a really cool design I'd like to look at, I'd definitely do all three of those. I wouldn't want writing or Chinese symbols, at least for now. I didn't try a temp on my wrists, that might make for an okay Chinese symbol. It'd be pretty sweet if I got a watch for under my real one. That way, when I took my watch off, I'd have one there, and it wouldn't look so weird with my watch tan. It'd be stuck on 8:30am I think, that was when I was born so it'd have some meaning. If they could make it like my Ironman watch, of which I love and want to keep forever, that would be stellar.

I also thought of piercing in this time, more specifically a tongue one, an eyebrow one, and gauging my ears with one of the talon-like ones. As shown below:
although I really had black in mind, and they'd only be pointed on one side, the other would be flat, and it's curve around and be way sweet. Anyways, get some of that ish. First I want to talk to some people who have tongue ones, see how hard maintenance is. Then get some fakes that I could see how they'd look.

Can't you just imagine me after getting all this, and working in my nice architecture firm. I'd dress hella nice, and most likely it'd cover all tattoos, and the tongue ring would be hard to see, but the others would be very obvious. I don't know the. I'll start with Hennah and fake rings. Maybe I'll come back with a real one of one of them when I get back from Germany. Who knows. I'll think more about that. I could see a symbol of a Leo, like a lion on the torso, or the arm. We'll see.

Friday, August 05, 2005

It's almost time

Todays horoscope:
Your Weekend: It's one thing to be vigilant, another to be a vigilante. Because you have been 'once bitten', you now feel inclined to be 'twice shy'. You sorely want to avoid a repetition of some previous disappointment. If you stop to think, though, you may recall that this came about because you had some unreasonably high hopes of something or someone. The New Moon in Leo implies a genuine chance to fulfill an old ambition. Don't feel jaded or assume that because something didn't work in the past, it will never work. Things could be very different now.

I got paid again today, 114 bucks. That is 30 less than what I should have made, but the bright side is I'll be getting nearly 100 bones in April. Sweetness.

I don't really know what to expect with tomorrow, seeing as how people are lovely and don't call, I can't anticipate anything. Time is moving by so fast. Sunday I leave for a few days, get back on tuesday, leave tuesday night, stay up with jake, come back friday, do stuff at home for a week, leave on the following monday for Germany, come back three weeks later after an amazing trip, prepare to leave for college for a week, then leave. And with that I'll be leaving everyone else behind, no more Hillsboro. Goodness this is a weird feeling.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I want to live in a wooden house

Today was yet another fairly decent day. Yesterday was my birthday and it felt weird. They are kind of awkward things, birthdays are, people say "Happy Birthday" and make comments about your one year age difference. "Big 18 now! Officially an adult! That must feel good." "yep, fantastic." Just really awkward feeling stuff like that, it really shouldn't be any different, if anything I should make a big deal about 8:30 in the morning when I was actually born. Like hey, I popped into this world today. Weird to think about I guess. I became official 18 years ago. Now by the worlds standards I'm an adult and get a few more privileges than last year.

Today was so lazy. I woke up at freaking 11:30. What a waste. Then I did jack crap for hours until I visited the Uptons and played scrabble. Then I watched 80's movies at Molly's house for the evening.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Am I doing what i should be? That is a good question to ask. The thing is, as I said before, I don't know, I wish I did.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm content with life today.

Life is feeling a lot more productive these days. I've been busier than I have and I've started riding my bike again. I got it back from the shop today and it is bomb-ass. New tires, grip, tubes, and a seat. So sweet! I rode around for about 2 hours with it, no helmet, but whatever, it happens. I also went into the bank really sweaty, and I bet people were looking at me funny, like, "what the hell? Why is that kid so sweaty?" Turns out I had been riding my bike for a long time, and at a fast pace, at least in sprints. It's be really hard peddling for a bit, then lighter easier, then I'd regain my stamina and push it out till I was tired, then recover and so on. I never caught up to cars, or rather kept up, I caught up after they had stopped for a light. I wonder how many people saw me riding that i know.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to spend the morning and early afternoon in Portland riding with Allison, Jeff, and Scott. We're going to ride the max in with our bikes, then I don't know what I'll be doing. Some sort of family dinner and dessert. Then who knows, hopefully if Brent wants to, Halo.

So like I said I've been doing more, I've seen more of the friends I've wanted to and I've been happy with it. Scott hasn't been so much, but I think I'll start doing that soon especially in the next few days which will be very nice.

Next week will be Seatle with jake, Tuesday to Friday. That'll be a lot of fun, then one week home, and off to Germany for three and a half nearly, then home for a week and down to school. Wow. Summer is almost done. Then college, where I will try to set a record for most continuous high and drunkeness. hahahahaha. No I promised Mrs. Richards I'd keep clean. I remember three of five, the other two i honestly don't, I'll have to ask. I've abstained from it all for 18 years, whats a few more. Illegally anyhow, when I go to Germany it's fair game, the alcohol. I'll try it. Maybe get crunk on Jakies birthday and take pictures for him. I'm content.