a man of both great physical attributes as well as mental awesomeness

Friday, March 10, 2006


New decision: I don't ever ever want to be in a fight. I thoroughly dislike real violence. Movies and video games are fake, so they're not as big of a deal. If movies are gross, like history of violence, i don't want to see that either. But for the most part, the stuff we see doesn't have as much of an affect because it's not real. Video games I don't take seriously. But last night I saw a gross fight, rather heard, I chose not to watch. I don't like that stuff. It made he dislike even playing Halo, and put me in a really crappy funk.


i went home this past weekend and enjoyed myself

we played pool

wrote a script for a mini music video deal

weathers been weird

later in the day, really weird

Thursday, March 02, 2006

This morning started out well, it was sunny, I had a good nights sleep, and I was going to ride my longboard to class. I went on my way to Econ, happy to get use out of my most recent buy, but around 10 till the hour, mostly during the morning and early afternoon, gets crowded. There were a lot of people so I was doing my best to weave in and out without stopping and getting off to walk. I hit an especially rough part and ended up bailing because I would have run into people. I sent my longboard into a nearby wood sign to stop it. As I went over to get it I got hit by a guy I had just weaved through. He elbowed my backpack which pushed me forward into the sign. Basically he was a deuche bag. That basically ruined the start of the day for me.
Then it was back to Speed and Agility, then lunch, which ended up putting me back into a good mood. Another assistance to my mood was the music choice of the day; rap. It was all rap. Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nelly, Outkast. It was really weird, I usually don't listen to that stuff all the time, but it was nice. This sounds stupid, so I'm going to stop.

I didn't eat candy, or sweets, and while I didn't get as much exercise, my speed and agility class is a good form of it for an hour, so count it.


the hot pot

tea and homework

not tea, but another delicious beverage

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Well for some today was Mardi Gras, a special day of celebrating I don't even know what. So how about a little history/ info on why there even is a mardi gras. It appears after thorough research using wikipedia, that Mardi Gras is the final day of Carnival, the religious, mostly Roman Catholic, season before the fasting of the Lent season. So they call it fat Tuesday, which occurs just before ash Wednesday on which we begin lent, the 40 days of fasting. Fasting was previously more strict and concerned meat, fish, eggs, and milk product and only one meal was allowed each day. But today it is considerably more relaxed. As far as I'm aware (what we do) now-a-days, on Friday’s you don't eat meat, but fish is allowed, and for the 40 days you either give something up, do something, or both. But my family likes to go the extra lenient yard, and we can do whatever we gave up on Sunday, which usually meant I gorged myself with sweets. This year I might have to do something different. I think I will do some form of exercise, be it rock climbing for an hour, running for thirty minutes, or lifting weights, every day. On top of that I shall give up sweets. Sweets= cookies, ice cream, and candy. See, not only is this a religious time, but also, it's a reason to be healthier. Now the count-down is on. And I'll have to give a daily update of how I'm doing, to make sure I don't cheat.

What we did today:

we learned "shorty" originally meant a young man, or just someone younger than you, but is now more commonly used as a 'fine female'.

caught goldfish in my mouth

hallway longboarding with recently purchased PIMP slippers

Just a friendly reminder to "please flush urinal after use"

Some Halo action, WHOA Scott, it's just a game

the makings of a delicious midnight snack