I'm taking a break from my studies to write this guy. The studies I speak of are actually a paper I'm writing for J202-Information Gathering. At first I thought it was dumb that everyone called it info hell, but now I may be getting it. It's not that it's terribly difficult, it could be incredibly simple if you know what you're doing, it's more that no one told us what to do. Our professor pretends to be a kind mother-type figure who will "guide" us through the class, but in actuality she gives us a deadline and tells us to get to it. When students have questions she either scowls at them and doesn't reply, or she gives an i'm-unbelievabley-impressed-with-myself-right-now look and then follows it with "What do you think?"
Well, the thing is teach, I have no clue. If I did I wouldn't be asking you; if I did this paper would have been done weeks ago.
I would really like to see her write a 100 page research paper with as little information on how to do it as we have.
With that said, I'm pretty happy with my current situation. Life is good, school is good, and my health is intact. We’re approaching the end of week seven of ten + finals, which means we’re close. After this term it’s a week at home for as much pointless, self-satisfying, instant gratification as possible. Then it’s ten more weeks of equally time consuming classes and then summer. That will signify the completion of my second year of college -nearly my third in credits. After about a month of summer I’ll be heading down to
I feel completely detached from my past. It’s almost as if high school didn’t happen, it feels so long ago. I haven’t seen or talked to any of my old friends from high school, save the few I see on campus and Jeff and Anneliese. Some of the time I care, I’d partly like to see them and say hi, but mostly I don’t have the will to put forth the effort. It feels weird. Right now I’m focused on my school and getting done as early as I can, and it’s working for me. Back to work.