lately I've been intrigued by weird things:
1. The U.S. Military and it's respective companies, specifically the rankings and becoming a high ranking official. For example, did you know that the highest positions of the different military companies are as follows:
- Air Force --- CMSAF Chief Master Sergeant (of the Air Force)
- Army --- SMA Sergeant Major (of the Army)
- Marine Corps --- SrgtMajMarCor [they must be too badass to simplify to just letters] Sergeant Major (of the Marine Corps) ... also, the current one looks like Scott's boss...
- Navy --- MCPON Master Chief Petty Officer (of the Navy)
- Coast Guard --- MCPOCG Master Chief Petty Officer (of the Coast Guard)
So this got me thinking to how cool it would be to be the most elite member of each branch. Also, it'd be cool to be a Navy SEAL because they are badass. Unfortunately I'd probably fail every one of their tests.
conclusion: The military is pretty badass.2. Biology Illustrations like that of Mr. Ernst Haeckel. (What a cool looking dude right?)

Somehow this guy drew up some absolutely amazing illustrations of all sorts of creatures. Unfortunately it seems like some of his illustrations were made up and on top of that he was pretty racist, they ( even say he influenced the Nazis a bit. But they also say he made some pretty big scientific discoveries and created lots of science terms like phylum. Most of all though he was a gifted artist; I only wish I had the skills he had.
Conclusion: Ernst Haeckel was/is pretty badass
3. Bats and Birds. Studying the impacts on these two from wind turbines is pretty interesting; more so however, is the animals themselves. They look cool, they are tiny, and they have freaking wings. Normally I get creeped out by bats, but I've looked at some pictures and think they're pretty cool. I'm sure if I saw one in real life I'd revert back to my disgust, but maybe not.
Conclusion: Birds and Bats are pretty badass
That's it for now. I've got work to do.